Robert Phillips

Electroacoustic and Chamber Music Composer

November 2012 tour of Larghetto Rubato in Sweden

Magnus Andersson, Pascal Gallois, and Rohan de Saram 


November 13, 2012

I was delighted to receive an email recently from my friend Magnus Andersson, where he told me that he will be performing my trio, Larghetto Rubato, for bassoon, cello, and guitar, throughout Sweden in late November. He will be joined by bassoonist Brice Martin and wise sage of the cello, Rohan de Saram, touring under the title “Ensamhetens ljuvhet” which roughly and very beautifully translates into English as “The Sweetness of Solitude”.

On Monday, November 26, they will be performing at 7:00 p.m. in Hofors Kyrka, Hofors, Sweden.

On Tuesday, November 27, they will be performing at 7:00 p.m. in Drottningen, Sandviken, Sweden.

On Wednesday, November 28, they will be performing at 7:00 p.m. in Hanebo församlingshem, Kilafors, Sweden.

More information about their performances can be found here.

I love working with Magnus, who always seems to be a wellspring of virtuosity, direct information, and inspiration. I remember one masterclass at UB where we were discussing notating unconventional and complex passages for the guitar, and Magnus spontaneously performed excerpts from Kurtze Schatten and a variety of other Ferneyhough guitar pieces to aid the conversation with remarkable ease.

Larghetto Rubato was originally written for Magnus Andersson, Rohan de Saram, and Pascal Gallois, their recording can be listened to here.


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